“Can You Hear Me Now?”  Lost Slogan and why Verizon, and all carriers are failing on Old Promises.

                   Many may not remember the days when Verizon and other phone companies spent millions marketing great phone calls.  You may notice a Lag in your conversation, and you are not alone.  Millions are noticing lag in their phone conversations.           Ever had someone on the phone in talk over you in present dayContinue reading ““Can You Hear Me Now?”  Lost Slogan and why Verizon, and all carriers are failing on Old Promises.”

Bitcoin Price, now subject to securities Issues.

(Affiliate Links May be Present in this article) Yes, Bitcoin is now considered a publicly traded asset. It is included in many securities portfolios and ETF’s. This is both good and bad news depending on which side of the coin you are on. Fortunately for home traders this means bitcoin in accessible in more placesContinue reading “Bitcoin Price, now subject to securities Issues.”

Youtuber Test on New Apple IPhone 12. Apple Won’t Admit they are Not Repairable.

A Tech Youtube Channel, Hugh Jeffries, Tests Technology on his well watched Youtube Channel. Since Apple is Claiming to have a Zero Carbon Footprint sometime in the near future, Hugh Wondered if they were pairing their hardware together. Well as It Turns Out Apple is pairing hardware together, and any change or replacement of componentsContinue reading “Youtuber Test on New Apple IPhone 12. Apple Won’t Admit they are Not Repairable.”

Technology Companies want in more Restaurants, but this Red Robin Tech just makes sense!

            We sit down at a table and our server comes over to greet us.  As she takes our drink order, she also asked us if we are ready to order.  We are, and as she takes our order our drinks arrive, yet our server hasn’t even left the table.  Let me explain…           RedContinue reading “Technology Companies want in more Restaurants, but this Red Robin Tech just makes sense!”

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