“Can You Hear Me Now?”  Lost Slogan and why Verizon, and all carriers are failing on Old Promises.

                   Many may not remember the days when Verizon and other phone companies spent millions marketing great phone calls.  You may notice a Lag in your conversation, and you are not alone.  Millions are noticing lag in their phone conversations.           Ever had someone on the phone in talk over you in present dayContinue reading ““Can You Hear Me Now?”  Lost Slogan and why Verizon, and all carriers are failing on Old Promises.”

Why I Can’t Promote Apple Products as an Affiliate.

Apple Products have such awesome build quality, that they can’t be compared with many other products on Earth. Fortunately for us, being An Affiliate allows us to Promote cool products through third party networks. Or does it? If you read the Terms of Service of your Affiliate Program you will find that Apple Products ofContinue reading “Why I Can’t Promote Apple Products as an Affiliate.”

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