“Can You Hear Me Now?”  Lost Slogan and why Verizon, and all carriers are failing on Old Promises.


          Many may not remember the days when Verizon and other phone companies spent millions marketing great phone calls.  You may notice a Lag in your conversation, and you are not alone.  Millions are noticing lag in their phone conversations.

          Ever had someone on the phone in talk over you in present day conversations?  Many would say today’s people are rude, don’t listen, and have a knack for talking over you.  Fortunately for them it is not their fault. 

To get to the bottom of this technology connundrum we must go back about 9 years.  Late 2012 companies like tmobile started adopting new technology.  This new platform came with a catchy name.  Volte, also sometimes Refered to as HD Voice.  This high quality audio came with a very expensive price known as Lag.

High quality audio streams are anything but High Quality.  Sure the audio quality is superb, but no other technology can be converted quite as quickly as the native analog signal travels.  And what’s worse, if you start a call on one tower and transfer to a slower tower, the call drops rather than converting to old technology. 

          Because of the nature of cell phones mobility having this kind of technology is less than ideal.  Unfortunately today’s handsets are not even capable of making analog calls from the past. 

         Voices and sounds are pure and crisp nowadays, but half the conversation is gone or missing due to weak signals and lost data.  In a standard conversation handsets convert the incoming conversation to analog, and the outgoing to digital.  This total process takes time, and often makes it seem as if others are talking over you.

Weak cellular signal often leads to lost conversations rather than static ones. When the signal gets weak, information is lost.

Analog technology of the past is all but lost as carriers shut down legacy 2g and 3g networks pushing hard on an all digital future. Gone are the days of Verizon Asking “Can you hear me now?”. Mostly because they know you can’t.

Published by yourstrulybryan

Bryan attended Northern Arizona University for a degree in Business and Finance. Along the way He also became A+ Certified and has a love of reviewing Products and Services to help Families make the right decision

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